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We offer a wide range of monument-related services for Northern Fairfield County


We sell granite in all shapes and sizes. Buying a monument can be difficult and emotional, Monuments by Maher will guide you though the experience each step of the way and make sure there are no surprises. Learn more in our Guide section.


Setting is a very important part of the monument process. The right equipment and a lot of care is needed to be sure the beautiful and sentimental headstones chosen are placed safely, squarely, and for evermore. Monuments by Maher is a trusted setting provider and will handle your granite with all the respect it deserves. 


When an existing marker or monument in the cemetery needs additional information to be  engraved, such as a name, verse, or date of death, we can help. Inscription work is done on-site in the cemetery so that the headstone does not need to be removed. Please call to inquire. 


While granite is extremely durable, it can get dirty over time.  Your memorial can be restored to its original beauty by having it professionally cleaned. Monuments by Maher uses cleaning solutions designed specially for the material of your memorial and the least abrasive method possible for beautiful results. See the bottom of our Gallery for before and after photos.


Older monuments can sometimes fall into disrepair from weather, lichen, fallen debris, or a multitude of other reasons. We can reset, repair, and restore all styles and types of markers and monuments using proper methods taught by Jonathan Appell.

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